Our campus (UUM) will launch one of big event in Tradewins residential hall which is International Multicultural night. This even started last year and many visitors come and see to know and understand each countries culture in our campus.
This time our International Multicultural Night will come with theme “Culture Fever” which means everybody should interest with culture differentiations in UUM campus generally. For Information, many international students in UUM, they are from:
1. Indonesia
2. Somalia
3. Somaliland
4. Chad
5. Saudi
6. Yemen
7. Thailand
8. Canada
9. Uzbekistan
10. Nigeria
11. France, and so on.
Most of them are from Somalia and Indonesia.
In this event there are some activities such as singing, dancing, martial arts and also foods from each countries involved here. Singing will be performed by Chinese student and also somalian student whereas martial arts will be from Indonesia (Pencak Silat). And also in this event Indonesia will prepare gado-gado and lontong to be provided then sphagethi with soghart as somalian traditional foods also will be available.
So c’mon come to Dewan Semarak Budi DPP Tradwinds and pay only RM5!